Worship Service Times:
Fall, Winter & Spring
8:00 & 10:00 AM (3rd Sunday of September-Last Sunday of May)
7:30 & 9:00 AM (1st Sunday of June-1st Sunday of September)
Communion Schedule:
1st Sunday of the month at 8:00 AM
2nd Sunday of the month at 10:00 AM
1st Sunday of the month at 7:30 AM
2nd Sunday of the month at 9:00 AM
Special Services
Lenten Services: Wednesdays at 6:30 pm

Sunday School:
Fall, Winter & Spring
(4k and up) 9:00-9:40 AM (3rd Sunday of September-Last Sunday of May)
Bible Class:
Sundays-9:10 AM (3rd Sunday of September-Last Sunday of May)
Tuesdays-10 AM & 6:30 PM (year-round)
Confirmation Class
Wednesdays-4:00 PM (September-May)
Youth Group
Monthly (September-May)
Mary-Martha Society
2nd Tuesday of the Month-11:00 AM (September-May)
Hebrew Club
2nd Monday of the Month-6:o0 PM (year-round)
Sundays-11:00 AM (3rd Sunday of September-Last Sunday of May)